Start Here


Sometimes, you just don’t know where to start. Getting healthy can be hard, especially the getting started part and sometimes we just get stuck along the way.

Use this quick Getting Started Roadmap to make the journey a bit easier, fun and delicious. You’ve got this!!! And, I’ve got your back. Let’s do this!

What is your WHY?

Okay, you want to “get healthy” or “lose weight” or “fill in the blank_______”, but the question I ask all of my patients is but WHY? It may seem obvious, of course everyone wants to be healthier, look healthier but I want you to dig a little bit deeper.

WHY is that important, you might ask? Because get healthy is a journey and for some of us the journey is longer and bumpier, so having really good reasons will help you get through the hard parts.



Create a Custom Plan

  • Now, we want to create a custom plan.
  • Before you can map out your plan you need to set some SMART Goals.
  • You are going want to create a resource list.
  • If you haven’t already, sign up for my email list.

Learn Meal Prep Basics

Getting healthy involves “feeding” your body the “right fuel”. You are in luck, because this is my specialty.

I’ve created this resource to help you jump in and get started right away. You get recipes and a meal plan, but anyone can go to google to find those.

What I’ve created is sooo much more.

Remember, I help people change their lives, that’s my full time job, so I’ve learned a bit about what folks need to get them headed out in the right direction.

You will get step by step instructions on HOW to meal prep for the week, plus a grocery list to make things even easier.

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